In addition to the convenience of accessing services on different themes in a single environment, the Ministry of the Environment - MMAs SuperApp features news and a section for quick and personalized access to relevant information from the miniapps, such as nearby points and favorites in which the beach bathing and air quality, offering the best experience and personalization of application usage.Through the SuperApp, users will have access to miniapps with different environmental themes:-Praia Limpa: It presents information generated by the monitoring of the bathing conditions of the beaches by the State and Municipal Environmental Agencies, providing updated and integrated data in an interactive map with national scope.-MonitorAr: Provides air quality information, qualified through the Air Quality Index (IQAr), generated by monitoring stations and sent by State and Municipal Environmental Agencies, allowing the monitoring and identification of the records of the last 24 hours and presentation on a nationwide interactive map.The SuperApp of the Ministry of the Environment - MMA is constantly evolving to promote the integration of the most diverse services of public interest, considering the Brazilian environmental theme.